Saturday, July 25, 2009

Because I promised my mom...

Here's a look at the highlights of the week in pictures:
Yes, Eli's eyes are that big and blue. Elsie does smile most of the time with her tongue out like this, and Emily is the proudest big sister yet!

We had a great week, hope you did too!


Katie said...

LOVE that close up of Eli! You must frame that one. And when I look at Elsie sometimes I see Grandpa Dave (Picture #2) and sometimes I see Grandma Lisa (Picture #7). So cute!

Anonymous said...

Now these are the kind of pictures you should be posting on your blog for your far away family and friends. Thank you! They are beautiful and they are getting so big! I can't wait to squeeze them. Eli's eyes are big and blue and I have several pictures of Emily at that age smiling with her tongue out. Very cute.

Love you all.


Allie said...

I have that fish swing. It is a miracle! That's the only way I ever get a shower!

Lori said...

Noah LOVES the ones of Eli and wants some to put in his room! The one of him grinning in the chair is classic!