This evening we got the top part finished. It is sky blue, and the bottom half will be green. Lori hand-drew grass blades that look awesome. We cut in with the blue on top, and will get the bottom green paint on tomorrow.
The weather man calls for snow tomorrow, and the mere threat has already closed both Scott and my school districts. I am thrilled to have another day at home, especially since Lori and I are in the middle of the project, but I am bummed as well because my doc's office called and they cancelled my appt. tomorrow because of the weather. This was the appt. we were waiting for so that we could find out the gender of the babies. I think if I have to wait too much longer it may kill me! What did women do before ultra-sounds?!? We are so spoiled with modern convenience!
Oh, by the way, this is what the downstairs looked like when we finished painting. Emily was thrilled to have Lori's little one, Sarah, over to play with. I think they had fun, don't you? :)
Malisa, I've been so excited all day about your big ultrasound tomorrow. I'm disappointed right along with you! When did you get to reschedule for so I can look forward to that? Can't wait to see the finished bathroom project.
I can't even begin to tell you how bummed I am! They don't even know when they can re-schedule it because the ultrasounds tech. is so booked. I have to call back first thing Wed. morning so they can get me an appt, hopefully ASAP. The dr.'s nurse who called was very sweet, and she knew I was totally disappointed. I told her my weekend painting for the upcoming weekend was now ruined! :) Pray they get me in soon... like that day! :)
P.S. It is totally snowing outside... but there is no way it would still be on the roadways at three when my appt. was scheduled. Oh well. They probably looked forward to an unexpected day off just as much as me, regardless of how much snow we get.
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