Sunday, April 19, 2009

Moving towards ready

I have been looking for the perfect diaper bag for months. I had certain criteria that had to be met in order to be considered, and ended up with no considerable bags to speak of. I've looked on-line, in multiple stores, and even fancy boutiques (where I was reminded I am so NOT a boutique type of girl.) After looking for two hours on-line last night and coming up with nothing, my friend Meesh went to Target, picked up two bags that came the closest to meeting my list of "must-haves" and came over. She told me my indecision about a diaper bag was driving her nuts, and I must chose and pack one today.

So I did. And I played with both until I found the perfect diaper bag. Success! :)

Another great accomplishment that our afternoon brought was the van. Scott detailed the entire thing. He was out there from 1 p.m. until dinner time. He pulled all the seats out, wiped down the dash and all knobs, steering, and upholstery. He vacuumed and shampooed the rugs and installed all of the car seats. (2 infant seats, and Emily's new "big-girl" booster seat.) My blue mini-van sparkles just like it did the day we bought it. I couldn't be more excited with the cleanliness!

I guess my brief hospital scare really got both of us thinking about everything that still needed to be done before our little ones arrived. My personal hospital bag has been packed, with the addition of a new "mommy jammies" for the hospital. And now with the seats in stalled in my sparkly-clean van, and the packed diaper bag... we are ready for some babies! (Though another week or two of growing would be nice!)

Until then, I laugh at our baby boy's game that he plays with us. He presses his foot as hard as he can against my belly until the entire thing is pushed out and totally visible. I push it back in. He moves it over and pushes it out harder. I push it back in. Over and over we go as he moves his little foot and presses all over my belly. It is sort of like "whack-a-mole"

1 comment:

Meesh Hays said...

Check! Next task on the list? SONIC.