Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fashionable Wear

I don't go looking for these website but they seem to find me. Just in case you're looking for a new style in fashion, this is the place to buy.

Sell the Ranch! :


Justin said...

I agree with Julia and Susan!

By the way, can you wear shirts like that back in SC, or will you get beat down?

edluv said...

i friggin hate spam comments. asshats.

i just want to know how these websites come to you. is it in a dream? prophetic utterance through cutting? google search for bush ranch? i bet that's an...interesting search.

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Spammers. They're unhuman. I find these website usually through my homepage. God's way of making me smile while I'm on the computer. Well, got to get back to reading so I can finish this book.