Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Sorry if Malisa and I haven’t posted in a while but nothing has been going on. I’m a stay-at-home dad taking care of Emily most of the time. We go the library, the mall, the zoo, and feed the ducks. I have even been going to a mom’s group. Emily is very social and loves to be around other kids.

Other than taking Emily places, I have been reading the books I’m using for the course I’m teaching in July. I have a meeting with my supervisor Friday to go over my schedule for the research I’m conducting as well as what to study for the comp exams which I will most likely take this semester. When you begin a doctoral program, you are merely accepted into the program but not as a full fledged doctoral student. For that you have to pass your comp exams which is usually answering three questions over a period of three days. You’re basically summarizing what you have learned so far in your program and they want to see how well you write.

Malisa finishes school this week. Each day is a half day but she has to stay at school all day. After school has ended for Malisa, we begin getting ready for our trip back to CA.

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