- Yesterday the kids and I went to Charleston with Paul and Mary. We had a fabulous time. Charleston is one of my favorites cities. We really didn't have too much on the agenda, however there is always so much to do. Scott had to work, but I did bring him back some of his favorites from the candy store. Something about the smell of hot pralines does me good!
- Sunday is Emily's birthday. Her big birthday party will be the following Saturday. Besides her own party, she has an additional five birthday party invites for her friends' birthdays. This kid is seriously social. Don't know where she gets that from!
- It snowed last night. Just enough to dust the ground and cancel preschool for Emily today. But for the second time this season, the snow reminded me of the beauty of God's creation. Falling snow is peaceful, graceful, and fabulously special.
- Scott and I are not house-bound. I know sometimes when we're out with the twins people must think it looks like too much work, and it would be easier to just stay at home while they are little. They must think I am nuts. What they don't realize is that staying at home all the time would make me nuts. I'm thankful for our sweet babies and the way they love to experience our world as we show it to them one small piece at a time.
- A couple weeks ago Scott found one of my favorite drinks at Trader Joes. It is called Framboise (sp?) and it is a Belgian berry beer that is very sweet. When I've ordered it at restaurants it comes in either a champagne or wine glass. The other night we drank some, and it was heavenly. I don't remember if it was Woody or Heather who first introduced it to us. Yum!
- The big 3-0 is looming around the corner. I'm noticing wrinkles all the time. The other day Emily asked me why I put on make-up, and I told her that having kids made my skin wrinkle. She replied, "But you only have three kids." I guess she saw way more than three wrinkles. Good point, Em. Good point indeed.
-There is a great little farm down the street that sells organic fresh produce. He grows all sorts of vegetables across from his house and sells them in a cute little shed on the side of his driveway. Right now he has fresh brussel sprouts! Too bad my family would hang me up by my toenails if I try to serve them! I with my dad lived near. He loves brussel sprouts.
- Elsie is finally off her horrible antibiotics. They gave her a horrible diaper rash that seems to only be clearing up with a great product called "Butt paste." Emily loves to say the name of the cream because she knows she won't get in trouble for saying "butt." Its the little things in life I guess.
- Scott and I began watching the very first season of Lost. We didn't know what all the hub-bub was about when the final season began showing a few weeks ago. We found the entire series in full episode on Hulu.com and we're now hooked. We are still t.v. free at our house, but this way we can still watch our favorite shows. This has become a quick favorite, even though we're only on season 2 now, and have a long way to go!
Oh I remember those pralines and I love them. Yum!
I just read Em's comment about the wrinkles to Danny. His response -- "Ah, little Dave strikes again." He's pretty sure she gets her quick wit from her Papa.
And HOT pralines??? YUM!
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